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Titus Brandsma
Wednesday, 11 May 2022 15:52

Titus Brandsma leaflets & prayer cards

You can view and download our series of leaflets and prayer cards about Titus Brandsma by visiting our Titus Brandsma Resources page. When complete, the series of leaflets will cover 10 important aspects of St Titus' life and teaching. Our prayer cards and bookmarks celebrating the canonisation of St Titus will also be available to view and order.

Wednesday, 11 May 2022 15:18

Ambassador's tribute to Titus Brandsma

Caroline Weijers, Ambassador of the Netherlands to the Holy See, paid tribute to Titus Brandsma during an interview with Vatican News. The Ambassador spoke about the heroic witness of Fr Brandsma, whose example and legacy can continue to inspire people of all faiths. The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the Holy See has organized a conference looking at the role Titus Brandsma played in promoting human rights, freedom of the press, and giving the ultimate sacrifice of his life for these values. You can listen to the interview below (6:21 mins).

Wednesday, 11 May 2022 15:17

The Cross for me is Joy

'The Cross for me is Joy' is the title of a letter by Carmelite Prior General, Fr Míċeál O’Neill, marking the Canonisation of Titus Brandsma. In the letter, Fr Míċeál draws attention to Brandsma's life and ministry as a witness to the truth, a Carmelite, a peace-maker, journalist, gentle person who shared with Jesus the journey to the Cross. 

pdf The Cross for me is Joy

Monday, 09 May 2022 15:00

Titus Brandsma: Jesus, when I gaze on you

Over two days, while in Scheveningen Prison, Titus Brandsma penned his moving prayer-poem, Before An Image of Jesus. In it Titus describes his loving friendship with Jesus, how his awareness of Jesus' love sparks a love deep inside himself and his desire to share everything with Jesus, even his suffering.

pdf Titus Brandsma: O Jesus, when I gaze on you

Thursday, 05 May 2022 10:12

Dangerous little friar strikes back

In this third lecture in the Titus Brandsma Series Fr Leopold Glueckert unfolds the social and political circumstances of Titus Brandsma's life, ministry, imprisonment and death. Brandsma was named 'the dangerous little friar' by the Gestapo for his lectures, articles and influence against the rise of National Socialism in Germany and Holland.

Watch the lecture here

Thursday, 28 April 2022 11:20

Titus Brandsma: Contemplative

Titus Brandsma was a truly contemplative person. During his life he remained deeply in touch with God and deeply in touch with his fellow human beings. Carmelites understand contemplation as an attitude of openness to God, whose presence we discover in all things. Contemplation can permeate every dimension of our lives.

pdf Titus Brandsma: Contemplative

Tuesday, 12 April 2022 16:20

Titus Brandsma: Adoro Te - Hidden God

Many of us experience God as hidden in ordinary things. This sense of the hidden God ran through Titus Brandsma's life. It helped sustain him especially in the brutality of the prisons and concentration camps. He felt God was always with him. He often sang the ancient hymn Adoro Te, Godhead here in hiding, partly to sustain his sense of God's presence and partly because of the joy he felt in knowing God was with him.

pdf Titus Brandsma: Adoro Te - Hidden God

Wednesday, 06 April 2022 17:32

Titus Brandsma: A Poet of the Cross

This leaflet focusses on Brandsma understanding of the mystery of suffering and his experience of the Way of the Cross in his own life. Set against the background of his studies in mysticism Brandsma wrote 2 commentaries on the Stations of the Cross as well as his famous poem, ‘Before a Picture of Jesus in my Cell’ and a talk to fellow-prisoners on Good Friday 1942 in Amersfoort prison.

pdf Titus Brandsma: A Poet of the Cross

Friday, 01 April 2022 15:17

Generous love in a Dark Tunnel

In this second lecture in the Titus Brandsma Series Dr Dianne Traflet talks about 'Generous Love in a Dark Tunnel: the Priestly Ministry of prisoner, Fr Titus Brandsma.' Dr Traflet reflects on the 'dark tunnels' in Titus Brandsma's life and how he was a 'moment of light' which shone in the darkness. The Series was produced by the Centre for Carmelite Studies, Catholic University of America, Washington.

Watch the lecture here.

Thursday, 31 March 2022 12:19

Titus Brandsma: Witness of forgiveness

Throughout his life, Fr Titus Brandsma was a man of forgiveness and reconciliation, including in the most complicated situations and contexts. When he was Assistant Press Officer of the Catholic Press, he had to face complex situations (political instability, tension, labour struggles, radicalisation, etc.) and always demonstrated a willingness for dialogue, open to the pleas of all. Through this, he earned the nickname “the reconciler.”

pdf Titus Brandsma: Witness of Forgiveness

Thursday, 24 March 2022 16:00

Prayer to Titus Brandsma

God our Father, your servant,
Saint Titus Brandsma,
laboured zealously in your vineyard and gave his life freely because of his faith in you. Through his intercession I ask for your mercy and help.
Father Titus never refused when he was asked for help by your people.
In his name, I come to you with my needs ...
Lord, help me always to imitate the great faith, generous love and burning zeal of Saint Titus. Glorify your servant as he strove to glorify you. Amen.
Mary, Mother of Carmel, pray for us.
Titus Brandsma, Carmelite martyr,
intercede for us.

Wednesday, 23 March 2022 11:58

More than a statue in the garden

Rector Tom Brocks has been governing the former Carmel Lyceum in Oss, founded in 1922 by Titus Brandsma, since 2007. After WWII the school was renamed Titus Brandsma Lyceum. Titus' ideas are alive and well here, permeating the school culture.

Wednesday, 23 March 2022 10:27

Titus Brandsma: Eucharist

Being of central importance to the Christian life, it is no surprise to find the Eucharist at the heart of Carmelite life from its earliest beginnings. The first Carmelites built an oratory in the midst of their cells on Mount Carmel to facilitate common prayer and common celebration of the Eucharist. Titus was convinced that our spiritual life, just as our physical life, requires food. We are strengthened by the gift of the Eucharist as we ‘walk in life’s journey here below.’

pdf Titus Brandsma - Eucharist

Thursday, 17 March 2022 15:58

Titus Brandsma: Education

Throughout his life Titus Brandsma was heavily involved in many forms of education. He wrote articles, gave talks and lectures, helped his native Freisland people rediscover their cultural and spiritual heritage. As Director of Catholic Schools he fought to keep Jewish children enrolled. Typically, Titus' focus was always on the people. He believed in proper resourcing for education and trained teachers. You can read more about Titus Brandsma's lifelong involvement in and contribution to Education below.

pdf Titus Brandsma: Education                                                       
pdf Tito Brandsma: Edukasaun [Tetum]

Sunday, 06 March 2022 17:56

Titus Brandsma: A short biography

Anno Brandsma was born in the Dutch province of Friesland in 1881. He joined the Carmelite Order in 1898 taking his father’s name, Titus, as his religious name. He made his First Profession in October 1899 and was ordained priest on 17 June 1905. As an academic Titus specialised in philosophy and mysticism. He helped to found the Catholic University of Nijmegen in 1923 and later served as Rector Magnificus. You can read and download the story of Titus Brandsma below.

pdf Titus Brandsma - A Brief Biography

Sunday, 06 March 2022 16:13

Titus Brandsma Series: Lecture 1

In this first of 3 lectures Fr Michael Driscoll, OCarm, talks about his miraculous cure from malignant cancer through the intercession of Titus Brandsma. Fr Michael is still cancer free 18 years after his initial diagnosis. Fr Mario Esposito outlines the steps the Church and the Carmelites took to verify Fr Michael's cure as a genuine miracle. This lecture series is hosted by the Center for Carmelite Studies at the Catholic University of America. Watch the lecture

Saturday, 05 March 2022 10:53

Titus Brandsma to be Canonised on 15 May

Pope Francis has announced that Blessed Titus Brandsma, OCarm, will be canonised on Sunday 15 May 2022 in St Peter's Square. The announcement came during a Consistory (meeting of Cardinals and the Pope) in Rome yesterday. Brandsma was among 3 other Blesseds approved for canonisation at the Consistory.

Brandsma, the 'dangerous little friar', ran foul of the Nazi authorities in Holland during World War II for his stance against Nazi ideology and anti-Semitism. He fought to keep Nazi propaganda out of the Catholic and secular press and to keep Jewish children in Catholic schools. He was arrested, imprisoned and finally sent to Dachau Concentration Camp where he was killed by lethal injection on 26 July 1942. Read the Prior General's comments

Tuesday, 01 March 2022 10:08

Final step for Titus Brandsma's Canonisation

A Consistory (meeting of Cardinals in Rome) will be held this Friday 4 March in the Apostolic Palace in the Vatican. Pope Francis will preside over the celebration of Midday Prayer and the Consistory. The purpose of the Consistory is to give final approval for the canonisations of 3 Blesseds, among them Carmelite, Titus Brandsma. If approval is given by the Cardinals and the Pope an announcement of the date of the canonisation will also be made. Follow Titus Brandsma's journey to sainthood using the links below.
Titus Brandsma: Journalist, educator, mystic, martyr
Titus Brandsma: Another step towards sainthood (includes video)
Titus Brandsma: A step closer to sainthood

Tuesday, 30 November 2021 09:12

Another step towards sainthood

The Vatican announced this week that Pope Francis had approved the miracle that will allow Fr Titus Brandsma to be declared a saint. Fr Titus, a Dutch Carmelite, was martyred in Dachau Concentration Camp on 26 July 1942. He was a theologian, journalist and author who forcefully opposed and denounced the anti-Jewish laws that the Nazis were passing in Germany before World War II. More story & Video

More about Titus Brandsma here.

Read our previous story: A step closer to sainthood here.

Tuesday, 27 July 2021 11:03

Journalist, educator, mystic, martyr

Born in Bolsward (The Netherlands) in 1881, Blessed Titus Brandsma joined the Carmelite Order as a young man. Ordained a priest in 1905, he earned a doctorate in philosophy in Rome. He then taught in various schools in Holland and was named professor of philosophy and of the history of mysticism in the Catholic University of Nijmegen. He was noted for his constant availability to everyone. He was a professional journalist, and in 1935 he was appointed ecclesiastical advisor to Catholic journalists. Both before and during the Nazi occupation of The Netherlands he fought, faithful to the Gospel, against the spread of Nazi ideology and for the freedom of Catholic education and of the Catholic press. He was arrested and sent to a succession of prisons and concentration camps where he was killed at Dachau. More story pdf Liturgy for today.

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