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Novena of Prayer
Friday, 30 July 2021 09:51

Novena to Our Lady of Mount Carmel

On the 9 days before the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel (16 July), we pray for the needs of our Carmelite Family in Australia and Timor-Leste. Last year, in the midst of COVID-19, we included the people of the world in our novena of prayer. The novena can be prayed at any time of the year for the intentions below or for your own intentions asking Our Lady of Mount Carmel to intercede and pray with us. The prayers and intentions can be downloaded pdf here .

Thursday, 08 July 2021 15:20

Day 9 - Thanksgiving for God's love

2021Novena10On this final day of our Novena for the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel we pray in thanksgiving for God's love. We thank God for the ways in which his love sustains us and gives us courage and strength as we face the challenges of the pandemic. We also thank God for his love shown in all those who are helping to support and strengthen others at this time. We ask for an ever-deeper awareness of that love and an ever-greater ability to share it with one another.

 Pray the Novena Prayer. Visit our Novena of Prayer page. You can also join us on Facebook anytime during the day. You can download the prayer and intentions for each day.

Thursday, 08 July 2021 15:02

Day 8 - For livelihoods affected by COVID-19

2021Novena09Today we remember all those whose livelihoods have been affected by COVID-19. So many people have lost jobs, their homes and businesses because of COVID-19. They struggle with little income and often lose hope as well. We pray for them as they struggle to rebuild their lives and we pray for all those working to support them.

 Pray the Novena Prayer. Visit our Novena of Prayer page.

You can also join us on Facebook anytime during the day. You can download the prayer and intentions for each day.

Thursday, 08 July 2021 14:50

Day 7 - For those anxious, isolated & alone

2021Novena08Welcome to the 7th day of our Novena. Today we are praying for all those who feel anxious, are isolated and alone at this time. The experience of COVID-19 has caused much anxiety among us. Many have also felt isolated and alone because of lockdowns and restrictions. We remember also mental health professionals and good friends who are helping to reduce the feelings of worry and social isolation. They are ministers of God's companionship and concern for all his beloved sons and daughters.

Pray the Novena Prayer. Visit our Novena of Prayer page.

You can also join us on Facebook anytime during the day and download the prayer and intentions for each day.

Thursday, 08 July 2021 12:17

Day 6 - For all who help & support others

2021Novena07On this 6th day of our Novena of Prayer for the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, we are pryaing in thanksgiving for all who help and support others, especially during the pandemic. May God reward them for being generous friends to those in need and for being God's love in action in the world.

Pray the Novena Prayer. Visit our Novena of Prayer page.

You can also join us on Facebook anytime during the day and download the prayer and intentions for each day.

Thursday, 08 July 2021 12:04

Day 5 - For healthcare workers & researchers

2021Novena06Today we are remembering all healthcare workers and medical researchers in our prayer. We thank God for the care, compassion and skill of our healthcare workers, especially those working with COVID-19 patients. We also ask that God will guide the work of medical researchers working on new medicines and vaccines to help end this disease.

Pray the Novena Prayer. Visit our Novena of Prayer page.

You can also join us on Facebook anytime during the day and download the prayer and intentions for each day.

2021Novena05Today we are remembering all those who experience hardship and difficulty in their lives, especially those affected by COVID-19. Many have been hurt physically and emotionally. Others have lost jobs and hope. Some are overcome with worry and anxiety. We ask that they will know that God is still with them in their difficulties and that God will surround them with good friends and support. Pray the Novena Prayer. Visit our Novena of Prayer page.

You can also join us on Facebook anytime during the day. You can download the prayer and intentions for each day.

Wednesday, 07 July 2021 14:38

Day 3 - For all who have died & those who mourn

2021Novena04On this 3rd day of our Novena we pray for all who have died, especially those who have died as a result of COVID-19. We remember, too, their families and friends who mourn them. We pray that God will receive the dead into his loving care and heal the boken hearts of those who mourn them. Pray the Novena Prayer. Visit our Novena of Prayer page.

You can also join us on Facebook anytime during the day. You can download the prayer and intentions for each day.

Wednesday, 07 July 2021 12:37

Day 2 - For all who are ill

2021Novena03Welcome to Day 2 of our Novena of Prayer for the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel on 16 July. On each day we will be praying for different groups of people around the world who are experiencing or affected by COVID-19. Today we are praying for for all who are ill, both Australia and Timor-Leste and around the world. We especially remember all those who are suffering from COVID-19 and all who are caring for them. Pray the Novena Prayer. Visit our Novena of Prayer page.

You can also join us on Facebook anytime during the day. You can download the prayer and intentions for each day.

Wednesday, 07 July 2021 12:25

Day 1 - For peace

2021Novena02Welcome to Day 1 of our Novena of Prayer for the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel on 16 July. On each day we will be praying for different groups of people around the world who are experiencing or affected by COVID-19. Today we are praying for peace in our world, our neighbours, our families and ourselves.

You can also join us on Facebook anytime during the day. You can also download the prayer and intentions for each day.

Wednesday, 07 July 2021 12:06

9 days of prayer for you

2021Novena01On the 9 days before the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel (16 July), the Carmelites invite you to join with us in prayer. Every year we pray for the needs of our Carmelite Family in Australia and Timor-Leste. This year, in the midst of COVID-19, we are including the people of the world in our novena of prayer. Please join with us during this time between 7 July and Thursday 15 July You can also download the prayer and intentions. You can also join us on Facebook each day of the Novena or log into our Novena of Prayer page for each day's prayer intention. Watch a video of the Flos Carmeli, an ancient Carmelite hymn to Our Lady.