On the 9 days before the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel (16 July), we pray for the needs of our Carmelite Family in Australia and Timor-Leste. Last year, in the midst of COVID-19, we included the people of the world in our novena of prayer. The novena can be prayed at any time of the year for the intentions below or for your own intentions asking Our Lady of Mount Carmel to intercede and pray with us.
Click here
to download the prayers and intentions.
Day 1
Peace in our world, as well as in our neighbours, families and ourselves
Day 2
Those who are ill here at home and around the world
Day 3
Those who have died and all who are mourning
Day 4
Those experiencing hardship, discrimination or fear
Day 5
All healthcare workers and researchers
Day 6
All those helping others during social isolation
Day 7
Those who are anxious, isolated and alone
Day 8
Those whose livelihoods have been affected by COVID-19
Day 9
Thanksgiving for God's love
you are always with the brothers and sisters of your Son.
We entrust ourselves to you
in the midst of all that is happening to us.
Help us to protect and look after each other.
Be with those who mourn and those who are sick,
those who have lost jobs and hope.
Be with us in our fear and uncertainty. Don't let worry and anxiety overcome us.
Be our source of hope .
Lend your strength to all those helping others and those who are caring for the sick.
Help us to end this disease.
Intercede for us with your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen
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