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Thursday, 10 December 2020 13:56

Carmelites talk about St Joseph

JosephCarmWeb400The Prior General of the Carmelites and the Superior General of the Discalced Carmelites have released a joint letter marking the 150th anniversary of the declaration of St Joseph as Patron of the Universal Church. St Joseph has for centuries been considered the patron and protector of the Carmelites. Long before devotion to St Joseph became popular in the universal Church Carmelites had been celebrating him in their liturgy.  The letter helps us understand that the development, and perhaps even the origin, of devotion to St Joseph in the life of the church owes a great deal to Carmelite liturgical and spiritual tradition.

'Together with Mary, Joseph is the gospel icon in which we Carmelites may see and understand what it means to live “in allegiance to Jesus Christ”. It is right then that we continue to turn to him as our father and patron, but also as a faithful friend and reliable guide in our following in the footsteps of Jesus.

As the world continues to deal with Covid-19, we unite in prayer for the doctors and nurses, for medical researchers, and for all who have fallen victim to this pandemic and for the families who are in mourning for the loss of loved ones. May Joseph, our protector, protect each one of us, and with the tender love of God, spread his protection throughout the whole world.'

Read the pdf Letter from the Carmelite Generals