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Wednesday, 18 March 2020 08:51

Carmelites pray for the nation

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In this time of crisis and uncertainty you might like to join the Carmelites in this prayer for our nation and our world.

Eternal God,
calm the fear in our hearts.
Help us to work together to protect
and look after each other.

May your healing spirit be with
those suffering from this disease,
and those caring for them,
all healthcare professionals
and researchers.

Be with those who mourn
the loss of their loved ones.

Be with all of us in our fear and uncertainty.
Save us from panic and distress.

May we continue to be your strong, calm,
loving and compassionate presence to one another.

This we ask in the name of Jesus,
healer of the sick and friend of the forgotten ones.


Follow us on Instagram @carmelitesaet