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Tuesday, 17 March 2020 16:03

Province Centre closes to public

2020COVIDWeb150Fr Paul Cahill (Prior Provincial) has announced the closure of the Carmelite Provincial Centre in Middle Park, together with its associated Fundraising Development, Carmelite Centre and Carmelite Library ministries and that staff will work from home. “We are conscious of supporting our staff as best we can and of helping them to protect their own health and wellbeing and minimising the risks that any of our activities might pose for them or for the people to whom they reach out,” Fr Paul said yesterday.

Arrangements are being put in place for our phones to be diverted so we can still respond to your calls. Our staff are able to access their emails from home. This situation will continue for as long as the State of Emergency in Victoria persists.

Unfortunately, this also means that all public events of The Carmelite Centre are now suspended and that the Carmelite Library is no longer open to the public.

Coronavirus video - Help Stop The Spread | Coronavirus video - Recent Traveller | Coronavirus video - Good Hygiene Starts Here | Coronavirus video - Stay Informed

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