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Thursday, 28 April 2022 11:38

Breakfast with friends

This week's Gospel contains the heart-warming story of Jesus and his friends…
Thursday, 28 April 2022 11:20

Titus Brandsma: Contemplative

Titus Brandsma was a truly contemplative person. During his life he remained…
Saturday, 23 April 2022 11:15

ANZAC Day: Lest We Forget

"A life lived for others is a life worthwhile." Albert Einstein. On…
Thursday, 21 April 2022 15:02

An empty tomb, enduring presence

In today’s Gospel reading there are two stories of transformation through encounter…
Tuesday, 12 April 2022 16:20

Titus Brandsma: Adoro Te - Hidden God

Many of us experience God as hidden in ordinary things. This sense…
Thursday, 07 April 2022 10:07

The passion of a passionate God

In the person of Jesus, God emptied himself into a fragile, naked,…
Wednesday, 06 April 2022 17:32

Titus Brandsma: A Poet of the Cross

This leaflet focusses on Brandsma understanding of the mystery of suffering and…
Friday, 01 April 2022 15:17

Generous love in a Dark Tunnel

In this second lecture in the Titus Brandsma Series Dr Dianne Traflet…
Friday, 01 April 2022 14:35

You can protect lives in Timor-Leste

This young woman is helping to protect lives in Timor-Leste. Her name…
Friday, 01 April 2022 10:54

Teresa of Avila for today

At first sight, a 16th-century Spanish Carmelite nun and someone living in…
Friday, 01 April 2022 09:22

Mightier than the sword

This month we reflect and recognise the part that the Press and…
Thursday, 31 March 2022 16:48

Lectio Divina for April

You can download and save the scripture texts, reflections and prayers for…
Thursday, 31 March 2022 12:19

Titus Brandsma: Witness of forgiveness

Throughout his life, Fr Titus Brandsma was a man of forgiveness and…
Thursday, 31 March 2022 11:51

Practitioners of God's lavish compassion

The Gospels of the last two Sundays were parables about God’s forgiveness…
Saturday, 26 March 2022 13:48

Br Marco graduates with BTheol

Br Marcolino Gomes graduated with the degree of Bachelor of Theology at…
Thursday, 24 March 2022 17:24

Consecration to the Immaculate Heart

Pope Francis will consecrate humanity, Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart…
Thursday, 24 March 2022 16:00

Prayer to Titus Brandsma

God our Father, your servant, Saint Titus Brandsma, laboured zealously in your…
Thursday, 24 March 2022 10:06

The forgiving father

This Sunday’s Gospel is a parable of lavish and unexpected forgiveness and…
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