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Saturday, 21 March 2020 18:11

The Carmelites - offering you support



The Carmelites of Australia & Timor-Leste offer you our support in these uncertain and difficult times.

We are praying for the whole world, and especially, for all those who are members of our wider Carmelite Family.
Each week we will offer a variety of prayers, reflections, Lectio Divina and liturgies to celebrate at home when you cannot celebrate in Church - our Celebrating at Home series.

Subscibe to our newsletter by entering your name and email address at the end of this page.

There are many online opportunities for you at The Carmelite Centre. You can be part of discussions, weekly Lectio Divina and meditation.

Join us on Facebook @carmelitesAET for all the latest news and information from the Carmelites of Australia & Timor-Leste.

If you are looking for a prayer card to send to a friend in need, use pdf our order form here.

If you would like a Carmelite or Lay Carmelite to talk with you or pray with you, you can call 03 9690 8822 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


 We continue to hold you all in our hearts and in our prayer.

Remember, you are not alone - we are praying for you and your loved ones.

'The light shines in the darkness, a light that darkness cannot overpower.' (John 1:5)

The Carmelites of Australia & Timor-Leste

You can subscribe to our newsletter by entering your details below.


Follow us on Instagram @carmelitesaet