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Tuesday, 07 January 2020 13:56

Pray for Australia

prayforaustralia01 350Please join in saying this prayer daily for the safety and survival of all people, wild life and property affected by fire 

Prayer for Our People and Our Nation

I lift up my eyes to the hills – from where will my help come?
My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. (Ps 121)

Lord of Creation, you know the prayers in our hearts and minds as we watch and wait with anxiety and sadness.
Our hearts cry out to you for those who have lost loved ones and for those who have lost properties; for those who are injured; for the thousands who are being evacuated.

We pray for protection of the unique wild life and environment
threatened with destruction.
We thank you for the courage and commitment of those fighting the treacherous fires.

We pray for those whose livelihood is on the land, for the heartbreak they will endure as thousands of their livestock will have to be buried.
We pray for generosity of spirit from those who are watching and praying; for leaders of government to give positive practical support.

We pray for leaders amongst us who can face the reality and plight of our planet to plan for an environmental future which is both predicted but unknown.

In your mercy, we pray for drenching rain to bring life back to the earth!
In your goodness, be with us in our time of need.
We ask these prayers through our Lord Jesus, the Christ,
who lives and reigns in our hearts. Amen.

Our Lady of Mount Carmel, pray for us.
Prophet Elijah, pray for us.

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