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Wednesday, 17 April 2019 16:57

Ways of Seeing - 2019 Carmelite Symposium

2019SYMWeb150You are invited to three days of spiritual workshops at the Carmelite Symposium 23-25 May 2019. Held at the Carmelite Centre Melbourne, these workshops engage the inner journey and how it can be manifested outwardly. It’s about how each one of us uses art forms - painting, drawing, journaling, writing, music, movement – as means to spiritual exploration and expression. The workshops are an invitation to creative involvement and taking time out; about personal growth, experience, and relationship.

The presenters are facilitators who, using their own skills, enable participants to shift their thinking and take on new possibilities. There will be artists in residence too!

The facilitators are hands on helping participants to shift thinking and take on new possibilities. Participants are encouraged to bring their visual diary or writing book, as well as their own choice of writing and drawing implements.

  pdf Read the brochure

Bookings: www.trybooking.com/485686

More in this category: « Passion Sunday Three Great Days »