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The Carmelites - Australia and East Timor

We support people from all walks of life who have suffered both emotional and physical loss. We empower them to embrace a fulfilling life for themselves, their neighbours and their communities.

In Australia we offer programs and services which help people facing social, economic and life challenges. Through places of reflection such as the Carmelite Library, Carmelite Centre and Sancta Sophia Retreat Centre we offer people pastoral care helping to restore their faith.

In East Timor we work alongside people both in spiritual and practical ways to help overcome past hurt, restore dignity and bring them out of poverty. Through friendships formed we empower the Timorese people to rebuild their communities.

To make a donation please contact:

Fundraising Development
The Carmelites Australia & Timor-Leste
75 Wright Street, Middle Park VIC 3206
Phone:+61 3 9690 8822
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Read our Privacy Statement here

Carmelite Formation Fund02youngcarmsWeb

Our East Timorese and Australian students are at various stages of their Carmelite education. Each student has made a deep and personal commitment to study to become a Carmelite priest or brother. With your help these Carmelite formation students will make a valuable difference to their communities and to the people of East Timor and Australia. It costs $50,000 a year to feed, clothe, house and educate a young Carmelite student in Australia.

Become an East Timor Mission PartnerMissParWeb

You can become an East Timor Mission Partner bringing hope and freedom to the people of East Timor.

You can help transform the lives of people like Gloria, Lucinda and Sabino by providing health care, food, clothing, books and an education.

To make a donation please contact:

Fundraising Development
The Carmelites Australia & Timor-Leste
75 Wright Street, Middle Park VIC 3206
Phone:+61 3 9690 8822
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Read our Privacy Statement here

2024GIWBweb200Remember The Carmelites in your Will

Leaving a Gift in your Will is a personal choice of great importance. It’s a generous gesture that will reflect your faith, beliefs and values well into the future.

By leaving a gift to The Carmelites in your Will, your legacy can create a future of possibilities. Whether it is training young men to become priests, and equipping them to become leaders of their communities, or providing young Timorese people with hope for a better future through education, your gift will sustain our work and transform lives.

To find out more about leaving a gift in your Will to The Carmelites pdf download our Gifts in Wills booklet.

You can also contact us on 03 9690 8822 or at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Carmelite Prayer Cards

A selection of prayer cards for different occasions is now available.

PrayercardswebThese cards not only convey your care and concern for those in need. They also let you include those you love in the masses and prayers of the Carmelites.

Cards are available for:

•sympathy for those who have lost a loved one
•healing & peace for those who are ill
•spiritual support for those in physical or emotional stress
•special occasions such as birthdays and anniversaries
•prayerful wishes for any occasion

Order your prayer cards here.


Together we can engage lives, restore people’s faith
and transform communities.

Help us bring HOPE to the lives of people who need it the most both in Australia and East Timor. Together we can engage lives, restore people’s faith and transform communities.


Help children get the best start in life.
Give HOPE to the Children of East Timor.

Together we have the opportunity to make a difference to young East Timorese children and empower them with something most of us take for granted … an EDUCATION and a chance to finally break the cycle of poverty.

With over 8,400 young people under the age of 17. In Zumalai our education programs will help stop children falling through the cracks.  Your gift will give HOPE and FREEDOM to the Children of Zumalai, East Timor through these projects:

  • Building three new classrooms at a village primary school to cater for increased demand.
  • Erecting a new boarding house to accommodate 15-20 children from outlying villages so they can attend school.
  • Providing 10 Tertiary Scholarships so young adults can attend technical college or university in Dili and Indonesia.

We need to raise $130,000 to funds these projects. Help children achieve their dreams and change the course of their lives by equipping them with a sound foundation.

To make a donation please contact:

Fundraising Development
The Carmelites Australia & Timor-Leste
75 Wright Street, Middle Park VIC 3206
Phone:+61 3 9690 8822
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Read our Privacy Statement here

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