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Monday, 17 September 2018 15:11

Six Australians at Carmelite Family Congress

2018CFCWeb150Damien Peile (Carmelite Family Delegate), Irene Hayes (Carmelites Centre Director), Chris Wade (Lay Carmelite Moderator) and Ann Baumber, Bernie Howe and Maria Howe (Lay Carmelites) are attending the Congress of Carmelite Laity at Sassone, Italy. The focus of the Congress is the role of Mary in bringing us to Jesus.

At the beginning of the Congress, Archbishop Antonio Muniz, OCarm. (Brazil) reflected on his own experience of ‘always being a Carmelite’ and outlined how we can be inspired by Mary to be a 'Samaritan' church together on a road which continues to open up as we go along, allow something new to be born through silence and prayer, to always be on a mission to reach out to others, to stand by the cross in the midst of suffering which he described is, at times, a ‘theology of scandal’.

The talk also drew on Teresa of Avila, Edith Stein and Elijah who opened their hearts to see God in new ways especially in times of crisis. 'We are on a road which keeps opening up, as a family, including all of us, and we must not be closed in times of difficulty,' he said.'Only in this way can we become alive to God’s presence - the God of surprises.'