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Sunday, 19 November 2017 12:37

27 make Carmelite Pilgrimage

2017CWP2Web200Two weeks ago, a group of 27 people set out to walk the beautiful Lilydale to Warburton rail trail. Amongst the group there was a range of walking experience, some who had walked hundreds of kilometres and some who were unsure of their ability but willing to try none the less.

Over three days we walked beside still waters, through groves of eucalypts, past lush farm paddocks and fragrant rose gardens, then cooled our feet in tumbling streams.

We enjoyed the camaraderie of our companions in coffee shops in small towns along the way, we identified bird calls and local flora and at times walked in silence. We laughed and prayed and tended blisters.

For two nights we slept at Pallotti College at Millgrove, perched on the side of a hill overlooking the glorious Yarra Valley and at the end of our walk we were welcomed by the community of Sancta Sofia at Warburton and shared the Eucharist.

This was “The Carmelite Way”, a truly Australian pilgrimage experience and if you think you would like to try it the dates for next year are 9 – 11 November. Thank you, Irene and Damien, for instigating this wonderful opportunity and for offering it to us over the last 8 years.

Sally Diserio