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Friday, 23 December 2022 14:15

Christmas Greetings

christmas22 450pHappy Christmas
from the Carmelites of Australia
and Timor-Leste 

The Carmelites of Australia and Timor-Leste wish you
a very happy Christmas and thank you for your friendship
and support throughout this year. 

At Christmas we reflect on the mystery of 'God with us'
in the person of Jesus, born in one moment of time
so that God can be born in every moment of time through us. 

May you and your loved ones have a safe, happy and blessed Christmas.

I see with more clarity that is always Christmas for me,
that, just like that night,
Mary the Mother of the Lord, accompanied by St Joseph,
still goes around from house to house,
that is, from heart to heart,
to find a place where Jesus can be reborn.

St Titus Brandsma O.Carm. December 1922

Download our Celebrating At Home for Christmas here:

pdf Celebrating At Home Christmas - Nativity of the Lord [PDF]
default Celebrating At Home Christmas - Nativity of the Lord [ePub]

Published in News