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Saturday, 04 September 2021 12:16

Happy Fathers' Day to all our Dads

2020FDWeb374This Sunday is Fathers’ Day. Due to COVID many of us will not have the opportunity to gather with our fathers and other family members to celebrate. We will, of course, find ways of being in contact with them or to spend some time quietly remembering those who are no longer with us. We are very conscious of those fathers who have died because of COVID-19. We hold them and their families in our prayer.

Whatever your circumstances, you might like to pray this prayer for all the fathers you know. 

God Bless our Dads

Blessed are you, Lord and Father of all life,
for the gift of the fathers of our families.

Today we honour them, and we thank you
for all the good things that are ours because of them.

Their love for us has been a sign of your divine affection
and a sharing in your holy love.

Their continuous concern for our needs and welfare
is a mirror of your holy providence.

Bless those fathers who are separated from us by silence, injury or violence.

Lift the burdens of guilt and touch us with your healing and forgiveness.

We remember our fathers who are now with you.

May they who have shared their very life with us,
live forever with you, our God.

Bless our fathers this day with strength, happiness and good health.

May this blessing and all graces, we pray,
descend upon our fathers in your name,
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.

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