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Thursday, 26 August 2021 14:42

Preparing for the Plenary Council

2021PCWeb150In October 2021, the Catholic Church in Australia will gather for the first Assembly of the Plenary Council to be held since the second Vatican Council. In 2018, when the decision to hold a Plenary Council was announced, the entire People of God in Australia began preparing for this historic moment by listening to God and by listening to one another’s stories of faith.

Join Fr Paul Cahill, a member of the Plenary Council, for Looking to the Plenary Council: A Carmelite Response on Wednesday 1 September 10.30-12.00 midday via Zoom. Book here.


More resources

pdf Looking to the Plenary Council - Fr Paul Cahill, OCarm.

My hope for the Plenary Council - Bishop Vincent Long

Plenary Council website - Australian Catholic Bishops