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Thursday, 28 September 2023 10:31

New management for Carmelite Library

Today, Fr Bruce Clark (Prior Provincial) and Professor Peter Sherlock (Vice-Chancellor of the University of Divinity) announced a new partnership between the Carmelite Library and the University with the appointment of the University as the managers of the Carmelite Memorial Library of Spirituality and Mariology.

The Carmelite Library is Australia’s finest specialised collection of books and journals in the area of spirituality and mysticism. It has been called “a national treasure”.

“The Carmelite Library is a significant resource for spirituality students and seekers. We appreciate the opportunity to partner with the University as we seek to extend the reach and impact of the Library into the future,” Fr Bruce said.

The University has allocated a team who will manage the Carmelite Library from October 2023 to December 2024 and work with the Carmelite Library Interim Board to develop recommendations as to the most appropriate long-term structure for the library’s operation.

“Our current Librarian, Philip Harvey, has served the Carmelite Library for over 18 years, and has been a great resource for visitors to the Middle Park campus,’ said Fr Bruce, “The Province is exceptionally grateful to Philip for his thoughtful leadership of this important Ministry over these years, and wishes him well in his future endeavours.”

In order to allow time for the University team to prepare for this project, the Carmelite Library will be closed to the public from Thursday 28 September 2023 until the end of January 2024.

Library resources can still be borrowed during this period by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the details of the requested resource.  Resources can be provided by post or can be picked up from the Mannix Library (278 Victoria Parade, East Melbourne).

If you wish to return resources during this period, you can hand-deliver to the Provincial Office (75 Wright St, Middle Park) or you can hand-deliver (or post suitably wrapped and protected materials) to the Mannix Library (278 Victoria Parade, East Melbourne).

Further details: Fr Paul Cahill (Carmelite Library Interim Board) 0419 987 866

Read the  pdf letter from Fr Bruce here

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