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Monday, 17 February 2025 17:02

Carmelites welcome new vocations

It’s a great blessing to have an abundance of vocations, at least until you run out of room for any more! With both formation houses in Hera and Fatuhada full we had to stop taking new vocations several years ago. Since then, some of those in training have left to pursue other ways of life and some have been ordained and moved into ministry.

Now, at last, we are able to accommodate 10 more young Timorese as pre-Novices. Beginning the second year of their Carmelite journey they were admitted to the pre-Novitiate by Fr Bruce Clark, OCarm (Prior Provincial) on 30 January. Last year they remained living independently, studying or working, and meeting together once a month with Carmelite formators for input and formation.

We warmly welcome: Tósio João Guterres Rangel, Jeferino José Carvalho, Hajetelino Sanches Simões, Celestino Exposto, Domingos dos Santos Martins, Emilio dos Santos Ribeiro, Erçio Manuel Freitas, Ricardo C. Saldanha, João Martinho Falo and Lorenço Colo.

Our thoughts and prayers are with them as they begin their Carmelite journey.

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