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Thursday, 14 September 2023 16:51

Fr Narcizio celebrates Mass of Thanksgiving

Following his Ordination on 2 September, Fr Narcizio Da Costa Vilanova returned to his hometown of Ossu to celebrate Mass on 9 & 10 September. Concelebrating the Masses was Fr Amandio Soares Salsinha who was ordained priest with Narcizio. Br Silvestre Alves was the Deacon. Frs Bruce Clark (Prior Provincial), Carlito Da Costa Araújo (Provincial Delegate), Aniceto Maia Da Costa, Nelinho Ferreira Soares, Manuel Almeida Da Costa, Fausto Tilman De Araújo, Roque Soares Da Cruz and Pedro Amaral were also present.

Before Mass on 9 September Narcizio, wearing elements of traditional dress, was formally welcomed back to Ossu by village leaders and a large crowd of parishioners.

Celebrations continued after the Mass with traditional food, drink, dancing and song. Photos below.

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