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Friday, 11 August 2017 06:10

Carmelite JPIC Congress in Fatima


Thirty five representatives of the Carmelite Family gathered in Fatima, Portugal, for the second Carmelite Justice Peace & Integrity of Creation (JPIC) Congress. The theme of the Congress was Carmel Engages with Laudato Si - Hearing both the Cry of the Poor and of the Earth

The Congress was opened by the Prior General, Fr Fernando Millan Romeral, facilitated by Fr Conrad Mutizamhepo, Chair of the International JPIC Commission, with the assistance of five JPIC Commissioners from various regions around the world. 

Participants travelled from Peru, Argentina, Brazil, Burkino Faso, Zimbabwe, United States, England, Holland, Spain, Portugal, Canada, Trinidad, Indonesia, Italy, Malta, and Australia and managed to communicate in just two languages: Spanish and English, enabled by two excellent translators  Micael O'Neill (British Province) and Mario Loya from Mexico (PCM Province).

Presentations were given by Sr Carmen Elisa Bandeo, SSps, Carmelite friars  Eduardo Scarel (Argentina), Craig Morrison (PCM/Canada) Miceal O'Neill (Britain) and Jose Luis Gutierrez, a lay representative of KARIT NGO from Spain.  Fr Joseph Chalmers (Britain) acted as moderator.

The Congress carried a very busy schedule, from Sunday's opening to Friday's closing.  A formal message of encouragement to all in the Carmelite Family was signed by all participants at a final Mass in the chapel of Casa Sao Nuno, the Carmelite House in Fatima.  

It was a privilege to meet and discuss our common interest with these passionate members of our Carmelite Family from every corner of the globe, sharing our experiences in the work of justice and peace carried out in the name of Carmel in many different ways.   The simple liturgies and prayers organised by the Commissioners focused on care for the environment strengthening our resolve to raise awareness to the plight of our planet through the wisdom and affirmation of Laudato Si.

The milieu around Fatima offered an amazing opportunity to live out two of the main elements of our charism which are necessary in the work for justice:  contemplation and action.  The profound silence around the shrine at Fatima except for the quiet murmuring responses of the many pilgrims reciting the rosary, along with the quiet evening walks gave us the space to seek the Divine presence and ask the questions: Why are we here? What can WE do to make this world a better place for all?

This was a truly international group of brothers and sisters gathering in the Spirit of Carmel to focus our attention on hearing the 'Cry of the Earth and Cry of the Poor'.

Gabrielle Fogarty
Chair, JPIC Commission
Carmelites of Australia & Timor-Leste

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