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Wednesday, 23 November 2022 17:56

COP 27, stagnation & progress

Message from the JPIC Team

Every three years the Carmelites are called to a Chapter where all positions are relinquished and new or renewed appointments are made. And so it is that the Australia & Timor Leste Province has concluded its Chapter and our Justice Peace and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) Commission becomes open to a new team.

After 13 years on this team I will no longer be serving in this ministry acknowledging that it is time for a change, but grateful that the passion is still burning for God’s work in helping to make the world a better place. It has been enlivening and a privilege to bring before you the need for all of us to live out our faith in justice and in peace, as demonstrated with the vision and inspiring words of Pope Francis’, captured so beautifully in ‘Let us Dream’. I would like to acknowledge the persistent and dedicated work of those in the previous JPIC Team: Peter Thomas, Josh Vujcich, Paul Sireh O.Carm and past member Agedo Bento O.Carm.
I also pay tribute to one of our JPIC supporters, Peter Clarke, a local in my home Parish of SS Peter & Paul Kiama. Peter, recently deceased, was a great support to myself and Carmelite JPIC offering encouragement and writing several articles over the years, sharing his environmental knowledge and passion, activism, and love of Gospel values. He has shown us the face of God in his genuine love of creation and all that is good on our planet.

Gabrielle Fogarty
Coordinator JPIC Team

pdf JPIC Newsletter No. 121 December 2022

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