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Saturday, 08 August 2020 12:35

That sinking feeling

19OTAWeb290aSometimes it can feel like we are sinking beneath the waves in these terrible times. Every day our news services are telling us how we are being swamped by the number of coronavirus cases, buffeted by potential economic disaster and failures in our healthcare system.

It’s easy to lose faith and heart.

There is a strong sense of being swamped and sinking in this Sunday’s Gospel, too. The disciples are out on a boat in the middle of a storm. The seas are pitching and rolling as they battle the wind. Anxiety is growing. Jesus appears, walking on the water. For the moment, fear is forgotten. Is this vision really Jesus, they ask.

When Jesus says, ‘Come’, Peter gets out of the boat and begins to walk towards Jesus on the stormy seas. But then the reality of the situation takes hold and begins to overwhelm him. Peter realises what a crazy thing it is that he is doing. He falters and begins to sink. As he is going down he calls out, ‘Lord, help me!’ At once Jesus reaches out to save the drowning man.

Trust is an essential element in the formation of our faith. For that to happen, we must learn to sense the presence of God within ourselves just as Elijah learnt to recognise the presence of God in the gentle stirrings on his heart in the first reading today.

St Matthew uses the story of Jesus approaching the disciples across the water to encourage his readers to have confidence and trust in Christ especially in difficult and turbulent times. Fear can erode faith and shake confidence.

We are Peter. Next time you feel like you are drowning ask Jesus to reach out his hand and pull you up so you can get back on your feet again, and know that he is still walking by your side.

Join us in celebrating at home this Sunday using the links below:

Celebrating At Home for 19 Sunday in Ordinary Time PDF   
Celebrating At Home for 19 Sunday in Ordinary Time iPhone & iPad

Lectio Divina for 19 Sunday in Ordinary Time PDF   
Lectio Divina for 19 Sunday in Ordinary Time iPhone iPad