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Saturday, 04 July 2020 16:38

A blessing or a burden?

14OTWeb374Almost all of us have felt the burden of coronavirus in our country. For most it is the burden of fear and uncertainty, worry and concern. Others also had to deal with the burden of the illness itself and its effect on those they love. All of us have been burdened by lockdowns and shortages.

In the ancient world, long before tractors and other farm machinery, oxen were used to plough fields and crush grain and other tasks. Typically, two oxen, one older and one younger, were harnessed together using a yoke. Words from the farmer, rather than whips, were usually used to tell the oxen what to do. The older ox had already learnt the meaning of the words. As he responded to the farmer’s words he taught the younger ox to do the same. Together they shared the burden of pulling the plough, turning the millstone, etc.

This evocative image is used in the Gospel this Sunday. Jesus says, ‘Come to me, all you who labour and are overburdened, and I will give you rest. Shoulder my yoke and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. Yes, my yoke is easy and my burden light.’

In the image of the yoke and the ox perhaps the farmer is God. Jesus, who has learnt God’s word, offers to team-up with us to help us learn God’s word from his example. That example is communicated through gentleness and humbleness. Tying ourselves to Jesus does not bring us more burden, rather he is willing to share the burden with us, to lighten the loads we carry.

That also begs the question about how we behave with one another: are we a burden or a blessing for each other? What can we do to make life easier for each other - to lift the burdens and share the load, especially in these anxious times?

Join us in celebrating at home this Sunday using the links below.

Celebrating At Home 14 Sunday in Ordinary Time PDF   
Celebrating At Home 14 Sunday in Ordinary Time iPhone & iPad

Lectio Divina for 14 Sunday in Ordinary Time PDF    
Lectio Divina for 14 Sunday in Ordinary Time iPhone & iPad