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Saturday, 30 April 2016 14:47

2016 Provincial Chapter

The 2016 Provincial Chapter of the Carmelites of Australia & Timor-Leste was held from 25-29 April in Brisbane.

35 Carmelites were present including 14 from Timor-Leste together with 17 lay members of the Carmelite Family.

Fr Fernando Millán Romeral (Prior General) was the President of the Chapter.

For the first time since the Carmelites in Australia took responsibility for the Carmelites in Timor in 2001 almost all Solemnly Professed Carmelites in Timor-Leste were able to attend and fully participate in the Chapter.


Among the issues discussed were: ways of strengthening and developing the Carmelite Family in Australia and Timor-Leste, a new vision for the Province which fully includes Carmelites living and working in Timor-Leste, Finances, Structures of Governance and the election of a new leadership team (Prior Provincial and Provincial Council).


Back Row: Fr Bruce Clark, Fr Hugh Brown, Fr Aniceto Maia Da Costa, Fr David Hofman
Front Row: Fr Paul Cahill, Fr Fernando Millián, Fr Benny Phang

Fr Paul Cahill was elected Prior Provincial and Frs Hugh Brown, Aniceto Maia Da Costa, Bruce Clark and David Hofman were elected to the Provincial Council for the next 3 years.

Continuing the theme of the 2013 Provincial Chapter and 2015 Provincial Assembly, our prayer centered around the story of the 2 disciples of the road to Emmaus. The final section of the Gospel story focusses on the disciples hurried return to Jerusalem to share with the others what had happed to them: how their hearts had burned with the Word Jesus spoke to them and how they had recongised him in the breaking of the bread.

Each morning we were led by Fr Benny Phang (General Councillor for the Asia-Australia-Oceania Region) in reflecting on these verses. Each evening we celebrated the Eucharist together.

We were greatly assisted before and during the Chapter by Mayra Walsh, a skilled Tetun translator, who enabled everyone to participate fully in the discussions and decisions.